Pricing for sessions with KAtie
Individual Session
90 minute Rolfing session.
10 sessions, each 90 minutes in length, following the specific 10-Series progression.
Lymphatic Massage
60 minute Lymphatic Massage session.
Additional Information
Format of the Sessions
My sessions are 90 minutes in length. During our first session, we will go over your physical, movement, and injury history and I will also perform a movement and structural evaluation, all of which takes up approximately half of our first session (the other half of the session will be hands-on work). The sessions themselves will encompass lying, seated, and standing work.
What to Wear
Rolfing requires you to walk, move, and participate physically throughout the session. The most important thing is your comfort level, but it is best if I have as much access to work on you as possible.
For women, I recommend wearing a bra and underwear, swimsuit, or exercise shorts and a sports bra during our session. Clothing should not restrict your ability to move and restrictive sports bras are discouraged for this reason.
For men, I recommend wearing boxer shorts or exercise shorts during our session.
Additionally, during the movement and structural analysis of our first session, it is ideal to wear leggings/shorts and a T-shirt to make this portion of our session as comfortable as possible.
Please note that it is customary to show up to a Rolfing session recently showered and wearing clean clothes.