Lymphatic Massage

Acute Injury Intervention and Nervous System Regulation

What is Lymphatic Massage and how can it help me?

Lymphatic massage is a therapeutic technique that is used to reduce swelling and inflammation, detoxify and cleanse the body to promote a healthy immune system, and has a deep calming effect on the nervous system.

Immediately after an acute injury, your tissue responds with an inflammatory reaction that can cause pain and discomfort. At this early stage, Lymphatic Massage is the most effective tool to treat this inflammation, bring relief, and speed up the recovery process.

Part of what makes Lymphatic Massage so effective is that it regulates your nervous system to lower stress and increase a sense of well-being. The more stress we experience, the more our nervous system perceives danger, and the more our brains respond with pain signaling to our bodies. This process is cyclical and through repetition the brain and central nervous system can become wired to make the body feel continuous pain, even in the absence of tissue damage. The brilliant folks at the Neuro Orthopedic Institute, who are the leading experts in pain research, focus their teachings on working with nervous system input to affect change in chronic pain patterns.

If you just experienced an acute injury, or are in chronic pain or continual stress, contact me and learn more about the ways Lymphatic Massage can be a powerful tool to bring you relief and healing.